Mood of the Month - May 2019

The month opens in solid, practical, dependable Taurus. It’s time to prepare your body for the Summer, clear out the contents of drawers and cupboards that you haven’t used in months or years and put your life in order. It’s time to start building your empire; building up your relationships and building up your confidence.

 The New Moon, also makes its appearance in Taurus on the 4th, so you have lots of support to initiate your practical plans. The Full Moon in Scorpio on 18th completely transforms the mood. If you’ve been procrastinating, this Full Moon gives you a constructive ‘kick’ and encourages you to stop deluding yourself, to complete the task in hand and to get yourself into a good place ready for the Sun entering Gemini on the 21st.

 From this point forward, communication will be faster, lighter and more dynamic. A great time for romance, flirting and seduction! Just be careful you don’t say anything that could get you into trouble later on.

 Mid-month you might uncover some interesting and useful information that will propel you forward into a much better space, both with yourself and the world around you. This is where you need to move from the practical into the intuitive and creative.

 You may feel moments of restriction during the month; be wary of self-limiting beliefs and don’t let them eat away at your dreams. A realistic vision is the key.

 On a practical level, be organised where travel is concerned, whether you’re going to foreign parts or you’re expecting visitors from abroad. Have a contingency plan.

 Where career and business are concerned, success favours the brave, the inspired and the prepared.  All the answers to career or professional blocks are within you. Don’t worry about feeling stuck because there is lot going on behind the scenes which should come to the surface next month.

Always plan for success, failure will take care of itself.

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