Mood of the Month - November 2019

We enter November with the Sun in Scorpio, intensified by the energy of the Scorpio New Moon which occurred on the 28th of October. This emphasizes a month of profound change both personally and professionally.

Also in Scorpio, Mercury, the Planet of communication, went retrograde on the last day of October and stays that way until the 20th of November. It’s a difficult retrograde but the outcome will be positive and rewarding. This means that the lessons learnt will stay with us.

The opportunity to break old habits, to change your life and your thinking, has never been more powerful and attainable as it is now. That change for you might mean a small shift but all too often, as you are aware, they can be the hardest to make.

After the 20th when Mercury goes direct and moves into Sagittarius we will still feel the shadow of this cathartic Scorpio clearing. If you ignored that open door to facilitate change, you will endure the lost opportunities and “what might have been’s”. Don’t let that happen to you.

Professional relationships will improve. Teamwork will bring success and further opportunities. Personal relationships can find new depth, filling your life with more meaning. Face those dark, scary corners of your soul and watch the fears crack and dissolve under scrutiny. The fear only gets its power from you. Stop feeding it. You are the one becoming powerful and balanced. The world is moving into a new order.

Watch for interesting and innovative breakthroughs in holistic medicine being embraced by the mainstream. We’re at the beginning of a long journey of dismantling the power of the big drug and food companies. Be more responsible for your own healing.

The Full Moon in Taurus on the 12th is a day to indulge in happiness and pure, unadulterated joy and throw stubbornness to the wind.

The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 23rd and will have a global impact on our decision making. It’s a busy month for travel so make sure you are well prepared for your journey.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th adds to the excitement and a desire to explore new territories and realms of experience in every area of your life. More than ever, now is the time to show compassion towards each other; to expand your knowledge, understanding and personal experiences to enhance your appreciation of what it is to be alive.

Susie JohnsComment